Who we are
Ours is an entirely family-run business. We are in fact three brothers, Andrea, Luciano and Vanni who, together with our father Paolo, carry on this activity with great passion and dedication and we respectively take care of the technical part of winemaking the first and the commercial part the second, while the third, Vanni, alternates between the rows and the cellar.
Our father, our greatest leader, is the one who was able to pass on to us his great passion for the winemaker’s trade, as well as all his experience in this field, a passion which he then also passed on to his nephew Paolo, son of Andrea, who since 2020, after graduating in viticulture and oenology at the University of Pisa, has joined the company by treasuring the teachings given by his grandfather, his father and his uncles, with the aim of continuing this fascinating journey into the world of wine.

The company has its roots in Luras, in the heart of upper Gallura, an area notoriously suited for the cultivation of vines and the production of grapes and wines of the highest quality. 2000 was the year of change. Together with our father we decide to catapult ourselves fully into the fascinating world of wine, making what has always been our greatest dream come true, cultivating the land and producing wine. It was certainly a courageous act since, even before we decided to pursue what for us was almost a vocation, that is love for the land, our main source of income was cured meats, an equally rewarding activity and also the result of what for us was a centenary tradition started in 1888 by Paolo Depperu, our great-grandfather, and which we continued until 2001.
Even the vineyards, however, which we already partly owned and which we have always taken care of, represent a family tradition with very ancient origins. In fact, that for viticulture and enology is a passion that has always been part of our family, which has been handed down from father to son for generations, given that our great-grandfather, in the second half of the nineteenth century, was considered by his fellow villagers Luresi and by many winemakers of neighboring countries one of the leading experts in viticulture and oenology, so much so that even at the time he possessed the Malligand ebulliometer, an instrument that was and is used to determine the alcohol content of wines and which we still keep today jealously.
The Philosophy
Our company philosophy is mainly based on always keeping alive the roots that belong to us, therefore concentrating on doing our best to preserve the traditions, but at the same time trying by all means to bring out in our wines the very high qualitative potential that our territory is able to express, enhancing the so-called terroir through appropriate agronomic and oenological techniques.
For this reason, tradition and innovation must go hand in hand, a philosophy that we embraced right away by choosing to use cutting-edge technologies both in the vineyard and in the cellar, certainly far from those known to our ancestors, but which have allowed us to significantly improve quality and emphasize territoriality.